Activ Travel Guide

Tapsy Activ Travel Guides & mApps for Children
- «Rome» english € 16.00
- «London» english € 16.00
- «Talking mApp of Rome» english € 9.90 + free App-Stories
- «La Mappa Parlante di Roma» italiano € 9.90 + storie gratuite in App
- «Der sprechende Stadtplan von Rom« deutsch € 9.90 + kostenlose App-Geschichten
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Talking mApp of Rome

The Talking Map of Rome enables you to discover the city through the bizarre voices of the most monument themselves. You discover what makes them so unique: the "pompous" Colosseum or the sad Mouth of Truth, all the way to the four crazy rivers of the Fountain of the Four Rivers in Piazza Navona. Each tale is rich with anecdotes and details, which makes it easy and fun to understand the artistic aspects of this marvelous city, including its noises, the sounds of daily life and the entertaining voices of its most works of art.
The app «Talking mApp of Rome» is an audio/voice guide developed to fit the printed map. The english version is currently under construction. You can find the Italian version «La Mappa Parlante di Roma» free to download on App Store and Google Play.
Printed map «La mappa parlante di Roma»:
ISBN 978-3-906893-00-6
«La capitale del mondo antico a portata di....dito! Grazie all'app LA MAPPA PARLANTE DI ROMA qualsaisi ragazzo potrà scoprire i segreti di piazze monumenti e opera d'arte. Roma si racconta per davvero!»
Focus Junior
«Una novità nel mondo del turismo culturale, con l'obiettivo di far scoprire i tesori di Roma ai piccoli senza annoiarli.»
Il Messaggero

Tapsy Comix: the mole's first adventure -
the comix is on the way in english, stay tuned!
Tapsy Tours

It doesn’t matter which country you go, the children really know how to make the most of everything
The unique tour experience for families with kids.
About Tapsy
Tapsy, our friendly and inquistive mole, will accompany us during our travels and will recount the amazing and fun adventures of the past and present. Find out more about Tapsy's Time Travel in his first comic which will be out soon.
The Mole Hill

The map, app and Tapsy comics are published by The Mole Hill.
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